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Saturday, October 24, 2015

Hillary Clinton sounds Presidential today. Republican Benghazi committee sounds screwed

Hillary Clinton testified before the Republican Benghazi committee today, not for the first time, but almost certainly the last. Over the past few weeks the committee has publicly tripped over itself time and again, with one of its leaders admitting its sole purpose was to influence the election, and another caught in a money trail to an election Super PAC. Unfortunately for the republicans, they scheduled Clinton’s testimony before their implosion and couldn’t cancel it. Today they looked like a group of nervous congressmen who were just hoping they survived the day.
At one point a republican congressman insisted that a member of Clinton’s “team” had met with a terrorist leader. But when pressed, he couldn’t name the supposed team member he was accusing; he promptly yielded the rest of his time. Another republican congressman was shut down when Clinton apologized to him for the facts of Benghazi not fitting his narrative. At another point the committee chairman, Trey Gowdy, was in a shouting match with another member of his own committee while Clinton somberly waited for someone to ask her a real question.
In contrast, once the democrats got ahold of the floor, they used their time to point out that mainstream media outlets have rated every one of the republican claims about Benghazi as being factually false. And then when the republicans regained control of the dialogue, they resumed making the same claims that had just been factually disproven by the media.
Longtime republican voters watching at home today must be stunned to see that what’s left of their party has now fallen into the hands of petulant children. Meanwhile Hillary Clinton patiently mowed down every one of their false assertions, bizarre questions, and thinly veiled attempts at influencing the outcome of the election. The republicans may have done just that today, but not in the manner they intended. Hillary Clinton sounded Presidential today. And the republicans leading the Benghazi committee may need to begin updating their resumes.

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