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Saturday, February 4, 2012

Virginia Passes Adoption Bill Allowing Agencies to Deny Gays Based on Religious Beliefs

Earlier today I posted about the discriminatory adoption bill pending in the Virginia legislature. The bill allows private adoption agencies to deny service to gay people based on religious or moral beliefs. It passed both houses, the AP reports: The... read more |

1 comment:

  1. Pure and simply DISCRIMNATION!

    Can someone tell me (and without doubt anyone else) what the reason is why homosexual couples (male/male and or female/female couples) can not raise children?

    The religious objections I indeed understand, namely that the religious zealots want to keep the children in their own custody, and secrecy, so that they can go on abuse them, rape them, kill them, torture them and indoctrinate them with their sick, foul and rotten believes, and above all... make from the children blind followers of their believes!

    What I do not understand is why people who are supposed to have brains and that are not focused on all that of the above are ignoring the love, the care and knowledge needed for raising children, on the part of male/male and female/female couples!

    What I also do not understand is how it is possible that these same people with supposedly normal functioning braincells are unable to see the absurdity of putting the agencies that are based on religious beliefs in a special position! It is absurd to allow these kind of religious orientated agencies to openly and legally discriminate against people who have done nothing else then love each other, and the deep desire of these same couples to share their love with the children who have so much need of love and care!

    To allow a bunch of utter hypocrites to exclude a group of people from sharing their love with those who need it is not only absurd, but is close to criminal!

    As a human being I strongly protest against these kind of exclusions of people who are as normally functioning in our community as anyone else!

    The fact that a number of hypocritical religious terrorists feel they can harm, hurt and exclude people from what is a basic right and duty, namely to share and give love and care to the individuals that need it, is in my opinion shameful, supporting religious terrorism, and above all... inhuman!
