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Thursday, January 15, 2015

Christianity Is A Religion Of Peace. Except When They’re Calling For Muslim Genocide

Christianity Is A Religion Of Peace. Except When They’re Calling For Muslim Genocide

AUTHOR JANUARY 13, 2015 12:17 PM
Never, of course. Why? Because, in America, we treat Christians and Muslims the same way we treat white people and black people: When a Christian blows up a building filled with kids, it’s just an “ISOLATED INCIDENT” but when a Muslim kills anyone, anywhere in the world for any reason, it’s proof that all Muslims are crazed fanatics steeped in blood.
For example, right now, the American “Christian” right wing is frothing at the mouth for Muslim death and genocide:
“In the wake of the Charlie Hebdo terror attack, anti-Muslim ranting at right wing blogs has reached an insane feverish pitch, totally out of control, and not a single blogger or commenter is denouncing it. It’s off the scale; I’ve never seen it worse than this.
For example, at Breitbart “News,” whose editor John Nolte was recently invited onMeet the Press, they’ve posted a video of Ralph Peters on Fox News calling for the Muslim world to be reduced to “smoking ruins and crying widows,” and it led to an outpouring of incredibly vicious comments calling for genocide; at last count, 4,342 of them.”
Because Christianity is a religion of peace, right? Here’s 12 recent examples of how “peaceful” Christianity is. The full list is much much longer.
Let’s be honest here: The only difference between Muslim and Christian extremists is that the West freed itself from religious rule while the Middle East succumbed to theocracy several hundred years ago and never escaped. Why do you think conservative Christian extremists want to turn America into a theocracy? Because the Bible really is a blueprint for running a global superpower or because it would allow them to carry out their oft-stated desire to execute homosexuals, reduce women to broodmares and slaughter heretics and unbelievers?
There’s no real qualitative difference between the two religions. Both call for genocide numerous times. Both are extremely intolerant of heresy. Both are drenched in blood. So when people declare that Islam is uniquely a religion of violence, they’re drawing the wrong conclusions.
Here’s an interesting test: If Islam is, indeed, the root cause of terrorism, why does it only seem to flow from cultures that can be charitably described as “barbaric”? Why isn’t America, home to millions of Muslims, overflowing with homegrown Muslim terrorists? Instead, we find in most cases that the few that we’ve had are recent arrivals to America or were influenced by someone from one of the aforementioned barbaric cultures.
And that’s the part people who hate Islam never want to discuss: Countries that allow Muslims to integrate into society have very little problem with their Muslim populations. Look at any other immigrant group in the United States. By the third generation, the Italians, the Irish, the Russians, the Latinos, etc. are so thoroughly integrated into society, they hardly think of themselves as anything but “American.” Think Muslims are different?Good luck instilling the culture of savagery their parents or grandparents fled from.
On the other hand, countries like France and Switzerland have taken great pains to keep their Muslim populations segregated. This provides fertile ground for the barbarism of the Middle East to be effective transplanted. Does this mean France deserves to be attacked by terrorists? Of course not. But declaring war on Islam the way the xenophobic right wants will only make it easier to spread the violent rot that passes for a culture in many Middle Eastern countries.
I’m a militant atheist and I think all religions are a dangerous waste of time but I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: If the dominant religion in the Middle East was Christianity, the terrorists would be screaming “Praise Jesus!” instead of “Praise Allah!” before gunning down an office full of cartoonists.
So while we’re busy clutching our pearls over militant Muslims, we’ll just keep pretending that militant Christians aren’t a threat even as they openly talk about overthrowing the government, build compounds in the middle of the woods and stockpile enough weapons to wipe out a small city. We lost our minds over Muslims opening a community center several blocks from the World Trade Center. Imagine the reaction if a group of them built a militia compound in West Virginia! Panic in the streets! Christian militias, though? No worries!
Right up until they blow up another building filled with kids.
But don’t you dare blame Christianity! Christianity is a religion of peace and Christians don’t have to apologize for their extremists. That burden is only reserved for Muslims.


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