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Sunday, July 6, 2014

7 Vilest Right-wing Statements this Week

7 Vilest Right-wing Statements this Week—Laura Ingraham Hates Immigrants More than O'Reilly Does

And Hobby Lobby decision leads to series of absurd and hateful comments about women.

1. Laura Ingraham: Mass deportation is the way and the light.
Laura Ingraham did the impossible this week. She managed to make Bill O’Reilly seem like an alomst reasonable man. Her anti-immigration fervor is surpassed by no one. She was right there in spirit with the anti-immigration protesters who turned up in Murietta, California with hateful signs and slogans and spit to turn back busloads of undocumented women and children on buses. For some reason, many of these people have no idea that they look exactly like the white protesters in Selma, Alabama in blocking school segregation, with their faces contorted in hatred, screaming vile things at children. But Laura Ingraham knows it. She’s an educated woman. She just does not care. Spitefulness towards immigrants is her brand.
Her solution: mass deportation: “By the thousands,” she says. But by all means keep the families together, by deporting entire families.
O’Reilly was worried. Might not play well on TV. Might hurt the Republicans. It’s not that he likes immigrants. He likes Republicans.
Screw them too, Ingraham said. She will stop at nothing to get rid of those immigrants. That is her brand. O’Reilly is too soft. Ingraham needs new friends. Those sign-wielding hate spewers are her new besties. And she is defending them.
“I think what you saw in Murietta, California, was not something that we should say should not happen in the United States,” Ingraham said. “No one wants people to spit on each other, I don’t agree with that, but the people saying ‘Oh no, you won’t do this to our community, you won’t do this to our wages, you won’t do this to our public schools,’ where do the people get satisfaction? Where do they go?”
2. Rush Limbaugh expresses totally incoherent hatefulness towards women in wake of Hobby Lobby decision, and his meaning is clear.
Rush Limbaugh does not even need to speak in sentences any more. His hatred, especially towards women, just oozes right out of him, without needing to be shaped by actual words or coherence. In the wake of the Supreme Court’s decision in Burwell v. Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc., he said something, sort of. He said:
“Pregnancy is something that you have to do to cause. It doesn’t just happen to you while you’re walking down the street.”
So just to be clear, people, pregnancy is something that you have to do to cause.
If you don’t want to get pregnant, don’t do the thing to cause.
There you have it. The new sex ed. Got it kids?
So, since women do the thing to cause pregnancy, they should have their birth control options controlled by their employer.
Makes perfect sense, right?
Women, says Limbaugh, the world’s foremost expert on women, treat pregnancy "like a disease" even though it is the consequence of their actions. "And yet, they wouldn't have the problem if they didn't do a certain thing," he said. "It's that simple."
Very simple. Women do something to cause pregnancy, and they do it all alone and are alone responsible for that thing that happened that they did the thing to cause. And women, like Sandra Fluke, who do that thing, are something that starts with an s- and ends with -luts.
And for his next act, Rush’s head will spin around and spew some more viscous green venom.
3. Fox’s Jesse Watters also says some remarkably stupid things about Hobby Lobby, women and birth control and calls single women “Beyonce voters.”
What is it with Fox News and Beyonce? Bill O’Reilly seems to think the pop star is solely responsible for every non-white teen pregnancy, because she is a role model, and what does she model? Being married and attracted to your husband. That’s what. No, wait.
Fox News host Jesse Watters calls single ladies (the same ones that everyone wants to keep birth control out of the hands of) “Beyonce voters” because she wrote a song about single ladies 10 or 15 years ago. That was a very morally degenerate song because it celebrates singlehood for ladies, which is no good. For one thing, single ladies tend to vote Democrat. For another, they rely on the government instead of their husbands for their birth control.
Oddly, he was surrounded by Fox News women when he divided women into the two camps of either husband-dependers or government-dependers, and not one of these working women pointed out that some women actually work for a living and get insurance from their jobs which covers their healthcare.
4. Ben Carson: Abortion is human sacrifice.
It’s hard to keep upping the ante about just how terrible abortion is. It’s been called murder and compared to the Holocaust, for example. But its opponents must soldier on and find new forms of hyperbole to describe a woman’s private decision not to become a mother.
Ben Carson to the rescue:
 “It’s interesting,” Carson said this week, “that we sit around and call other ancient civilizations ‘heathen’ because of human sacrifice, but aren’t we actually guilty of the same thing?”
Hmmm. Yes, Ben, Sure wish we thought of that. Abortion is very much like an ancient religious ritual designed to appease an angry god in order to ensure a good harvest, or stop the volcano from erupting or whatever.
5. Fox News Business host concerned that the new jobs numbers are “too good.”
Last week, the Bureau of Labor Statistics released the June jobs report, and it seemed like good news. 288,000 new non-farm payroll jobs were added in June, and unemployment fell to 6.1 percent, the lowest it has been in years. Imagine the distress this caused at Fox News, which makes it a policy to ignore any positive news during the Obama administration. But one brave Fox newsian did not ignore the news. Business host Charles Payne bit the bullet, acknowledged the report existed and tried his best to put a negative spin on it. The jobs news might be "too good for the stock market," he tweeted, adding  “. . . equity and futures are drifting lower not sure how to react.”
We understand that good economic news under Obama causes a certain amount of cognitive dissonance at Fox. God forbid, employment goes even lower than the now fairly low 6.1 percent. (Have no fear Mr. Payne, a lot of those new jobs are really crummy.) Oh, and just for some perspective on that stock market thing, note that the Dow Jones Industrial Average, which reached a new high near 17,000 last week. It was at 8,279 when Obama took office in January of 2009.
There’s got to be some negative spin to be put on that as well.
6. Texas official: Rick Perry dresses like a metro sexual.
It’s always fun, or maybe it’s deeply troubling, when it turns out that someone who you consider to be very right-wing turns out to have a critic to the right of them. (Kind of the way Laura Ingraham managed to make O’Reilly seem half human.)
Departing Texas Land Commissioner and former GOP candidate for lieutenant governor Jerry Patterson recently shared some of his thoughts on the way Gov. Rick Perry (R) dresses.
In particular, he does not care for the fact that Perry does not wear cowboy boots, which are more-or-less mandatory in Texas.
“I lament the fact that our governor could now pass for a West Coast metrosexual and has embarrassed us all with his sartorial change of direction,” Patterson wrote to a local magazine.
It’s not just a sartorial problem for Patterson, who has said he keeps a .22-caliber Magnum in his boot whenever he leaves home. He’s really not fond of the coastal states, and the people who dress like they live in them. He has also joked that California, Connecticut, Massachusetts and New York should get axed from the union.
Then again, maybe he’s not kidding.
7. GOP Lawmaker calls climate control biggest deception in history of mankind.
Similar to abortion foes, climate denialists are in competition for who can be more hyperbolic about the threat that real science poses to mankind. Louisiana state Rep. Lenar Whitney (R) threw her hat in the climate denial ring this week when she released a campaign video accusing liberals, such as former Vice President Al Gore, of advancing "the greatest deception in the history of mankind" -- man-made climate change -- in a fiendish scheme to empower the executive branch and increase taxes.
Brilliant! Wish we had thought of that.
“A specter is haunting America,” Whitney warns ominously in the video. She goes on to claim, entirely inaccurately, that the planet "has done nothing but get colder each year” since the release of Al Gore’s “An Inconvenient Truth” in 2006.
“Quite inconveniently for Al Gore, and for the rest of the politicians who continue to advance this delusion, any 10-year-old can invalidate their thesis with one of the simplest scientific devices known to man: a thermometer,” Whitney said, citing record sea ice in the Antarctic sector.
Yes, her argument is very much like that of a ten-year-old, who decides that because today is chilly, or it snowed last month, climate change is a big hoax, scientists be damned.

As Huffpo points out, “Whitney’s own state is one of the most vulnerable regions in the country to climate change, with rising coastal sea levels estimated to submerge the Louisiana coastline by 2100.”

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