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Saturday, July 5, 2014

Admiral George Morrison calls for economic and military attack on Israel after USS Liberty Incident

Admiral George Morrison calls for economic and military attack on Israel after USS Liberty Incident
Lots of rumours flying around about Admiral Morrison's involvement in this notorious Israeli false flag attack on a virtually unarmed US surveillance ship which was in international waters during the Arab-Israeli Six Day War
Telegraph blogger 'Silurian' explains.....
The cover-up was immediate and extensive – going all the way to the Johnson White House.  Israel eventually paid 13 million USD in indemnities to the US Federal Government, the 174 wounded survivors of the attack, and the family members of the 34 men killed.  Which means they simply returned some of America’s tax dollars.
Interestingly, the rear admiral commanding the nearest US Navy carrier task force ordered American fighter planes, which were only fifteen minutes away, to fly to the defense of the Liberty; however, his order was countermanded by the commander of US Naval forces in Europe.  The carrier admiral was George S. Morrison – the father of rock legend Jim Morrison.  The admiral who countermanded the order was John S. McCain Jr. – the father of the 2008 Republican US Presidential candidate, John McCain III.

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