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Thursday, February 27, 2014

AZ Tea Party Group On Anti-Gay Bill: First Amendment Only Protects Christians

AZ Tea Party Group On Anti-Gay Bill: First Amendment Only Protects Christians

by John Prager
It's a dry hate in Arizona! Recently the state's legislators addressed the problem of LGBT discrimination by simply making it legal! This repurposing of Jim Crow style legislation has earned Arizona the envy of bigots everywhere, but has angered the nation.
Since George Takei threatened to boycott Arizona entirely the idea has gained steam, encouraging petitions asking the NFL to move the 2015 Super Bowl out of Arizona. Others are protesting this horrific first step toward the resurrection of separate restrooms in other ways--like refusing to serve Arizona legislators.
Governor Jan Brewer has yet to provide a clear answer as to whether or not she will veto the bill but is facing growing pressure even from Republicans, including both Arizona Senators.
The Williams Tea Party of Coconino County defended the nullification of civil rights in the best way they know how: With Jesus and a historically inaccurate representation of the founding fathers, of course! "The First Amendment was meant only to protect the Christian faith. When the founders spoke of religion, they meant the Christian religion. They did not have to keep saying the Christian religion because everyone knew that is what they were talking about," the group claimed. It's that simple! Christians get religious freedom, and everyone else should just convert if they want equality.
Read the outpouring of insanity below, or in full here:
[box type="shadow"]The First Amendment protects only the practice of the Christian faith.
The Arizona Republic gathered the twenty, or so, protestors against S.B. 1062 close together for a photo to place on the front cover of their Thursday edition. The gathering together is an attempt to show that thousands of protestors came to their demonstration.
In the center of the photo they placed a guy who just happens to be able to afford the tab-collar clergy shirt with a sign about how religions should be against this legislation. I am not sure from which Internet “U” this person obtained his certification, but they certainly had no requirement to read the Bible.
The “columnists” at the Republic are in full swing typing out their indignation at the “discrimination.”
Of course, when you are dealing with a group of people who get their Constitutional training from the Salon and Russia Today web sites, it is difficult for them to understand that this legislation should never have been written. You see, there is already a law that protects the right of those of the Christian faith to not serve those who are clearly abhorrent to that faith.
It’s called the First Amendment.
The First Amendment
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;….
Congress is the law making branch of the country.This amendment states that the legislative branch of government MAY NOT create any law prohibiting the free exercise of religion. Such as “Hate Crimes” legislation targeted at Christians.
These people will be first to throw that “Separation of Church and State” myth at you. Very few of them even knows where that phrase originates. It is a portion of a line that comes from a letter from Thomas Jefferson to the Danbury Baptists of 1802. It was a personal opinion, not a legal one. The Baptists were concerned that Congress was creating laws that would adversely affect the practice of their religion. The “wall of separation between Church & State” applied to the government—NOT the Christians.
The First Amendment was meant only to protect the Christian faith. When the founders spoke of religion, they meant the Christian religion. They did not have to keep saying the Christian religion because everyone knew that is what they were talking about.[/box]
John Prager

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