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Monday, May 19, 2014

[do NOT read this at the office, or at your mother-in-law's home!] 21 Weird Facts You Didn’t Know About Boners

21 Weird Facts You Didn’t Know About Boners

 It’s easy to assume you know everything about ‘em
They go up when you’re at a strip club, they go down (we hope)
When you’re at grandma’s house…

What else is there to learn?

1. The word “penis” comes from the Latin word for “tail”

Consider that the next time you brag to your friends about scoring some “primo tail.”


2. Priapism (prolonged erection) is named after always-hard Greek god Priapus

The ladies considered him a god, anyway.


3. Out of all primates, Homo sapien has the largest penis

So much for “great” apes. Ha! Ha! Losers.


4. The fear of thinking about or having a boner is called “ithyphallophobia”

The gym shower can be a terrifying place.


5. The Komodo dragon has two penises

So basically, it can have threesomes with just one partner?


6. William Shakespeare referred to an erection as “the dart of love”

In the play “Measure for Measure,” naturally.


7. Male fetuses can have erections during the last trimester

Credit: Getty Images
Do not–we repeat, DO NOT–consider the Freudian implications.

8. The Brazilian wandering spider’s venom causes a boner that lasts for hours

Not the worst way to die.

9. It’s nearly impossible to achieve an erection in weightless conditions

Newt Gingrich’s moon colony idea seems way less awesome now.

10. A man sued BMW because his motorcycle gave him a boner

A boner that supposedly lasted two years. How did this case stand up in court?

11. A sustained erection is one of the most common symptoms of rabies in men

If you foam at the mouth while watching porn, call an ambulance.

12. George W. Bush’s nickname for Rep. John Boehner was “Boner”

Where isn’t this dude orange? (Don’t answer that.)

13. The town of Boner Knob, Montana is located in Beaverhead County

The town name of Penistone was taken. (No, really.)


14. Men executed by hanging often sustain erections at the time of death

So that’s where some freak originally got the idea for auto-erotic asphyxiation…

15. You can accidentally fracture an erection during sex

Just ask MMA competitor Ray Elbe. (It produces a loud cracking sound. The sound that follows is inaudible, since only dogs can hear a scream at that pitch.)

16. A drone bee’s erection snaps off during sex with the queen

Bees: They’re just like us! (Well, they’re just like Ray Elbe, anyway.)

17. Viagra was originally a failed heart medication

Until middle-aged guys noticed a pretty cool side effect.

18. Viagra can also (kinda) give flowers a boner

It makes them stand up straight. Good tip for your next Mother’s Day bouquet.

19. Ginseng has been proven to help erectile dysfunction

In one study at least. (Also proven to help: strippers named Ginseng.)

20. On average, men sustain an erection for 90 minutes while they sleep

It’s called “multi-tasking.”

21. The average boner produces the same pressure as a boa constrictor’s grip

Same pressure, different kind of snake.

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