- Former CIA director David Petraeus received his sentence today for the sweetheart plea deal he struck with the Justice Department after he was discovered to have leaked highly classified informatio...

In the year 2015 it is obvious normal that traitors (people who sell or give secret information to individuals who are not entitled to receive or have such information) are punished with light sentences, and that hero's (people who expose wrongdoings and more serious crimes) are punished with sentences that are endangering their lives and that of their families!
In the case of the traitor Petraeus, a high-ranking general with knowledge of protocols and procedures on and about classified information and material, it is more then obvious that a severe punishment (on treason there is the death sentence by firing squad!) would endanger national security (without doubt he would have spilled the beans on and a bout a lot of secrets and individuals with secrets...), while in the case of whistleblowers (who by definition are of lower ranks when they are military, and of low level when civilians) the danger for exposing personal and or national secrets is of a much lesser importance..

Strange thing is that were it concerns traitors even so-called independent judges fall for the trick, probably because something is known by the traitor on the judge and or the prosecutor!

Should here be this sort of difference in justice? Or should EVERYONE be EQUAL under and for the law?

As far as I know the American Constitution states clearly that EVERYONE actually IS very EQUAL under and for the law, but seems that even the Constitution in 2015 can and is being manipulated, to protect traitors!

Petraeus is a traitor, and shall be acknowledged by future generations as such, and recognized as a piece of filth, unworthy to wear the uniform of the United States of America, or to be receiving any penny in pension or compensation!
My opinion!