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Sunday, September 13, 2015

Is Germany's Military Dying?

Is Germany's Military Dying?

The modern German armed forces, or Bundeswehr, were created just ten years after the end of World War II ... The Bundeswehr eventually grew to one of the largest, well-equipped armed forces in the world, boasting twelve combat divisions, hundreds of combat aircraft in the Luftwaffe (German Air Force), and a formidable force of surface ships, submarines, and maritime aircraft in the Bundesmarine (Navy). ... In the past year numerous articles have arisen demonstrating the Bundeswehr's lack of readiness. Fixed wing aircraft, helicopters and other vehicles have been grounded due to lack of spare parts, bringing readiness rates below 50% ... If a high priority NATO tasked unit was short over 14,000 pieces of equipment, it calls into question how deep the rot in the Bundeswehr goes and Germany's commitment to the alliance.

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