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Saturday, September 12, 2015

Leaked Video Shows Inhumane Conditions in Polisario Prisons, Algeria

Posted: 12 Sep 2015 01:11 AM PDT
Rabat – A video posted on YouTube shows the inhumane conditions inside a Polisario prison in the Tindouf camps in Algeria.
The jail has been allegedly used by separatists with the support of the Algerian secret services  to house prisoners who disagree with the leaders of the front or  believe that  Morocco’s Autonomy Plan proposal is the most realistic solution that would pave the way towards finding a mutually acceptable political solution to the long-lasting Western Sahara conflict.
The video shows the living conditions behind bars in the Polisario-run prison, with prisoners kept in inhumane and miserable conditions. .
The video highlights the other face of the Polisario conflict that goes unreported in most mainstream media. Prisoners opened their hearts to the cameraman and talked openly about the sufferings they undergo every day in this hell.
One of the prisoners was burned in both palms of his hands and his belly, apparently from the cruel tortures he experienced inside the prison. While he needs medical care, he has not been offered any.
Another prisoner who introduced himself as Mohammed ben Mahmoud Messoud said: “I am here in the prison for more than one year without trial. I am calling on the Human Rights Organization to find a solution to our ordeal. I and some others are minors, and the elders harass and abuse us.”
The third prisoner who appeared in the video does not know his name, where he is from nor that he is behind bars.
When asked, the only reply he gives is “I don’t know,” with an innocent smile that reveals his mental illness.
A 14-year-old young boy, who introduced himself as Si Mohamed Lamine Ahmad sidi Ahmed Khayri, said “I am sentenced to one year jail.” He called on Human Right Organizations to take their case seriously.
Many prisoners, including underage children, disabled and mentally challenged people are suffering alone inside the prison of shame away from international public awareness. Many are kept for years without trial and without the possibility for their families to come and visit them.

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