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Wednesday, September 9, 2015

The Ugly and Forgotten Legacy of Potsdam

The Ugly and Forgotten Legacy of Potsdam
B. Brewer - History News Network

To Americans World War II is all that is great about America. It represents American bravery, sacrifice, fortitude and compassion ... When the expulsions came to a halt at the end of 1947 some 1,415,135 Sudeten Germans from Czechoslovakia had been expelled into the United States Zone of Occupation, along with 750,000 to the Russian zone and 1,500,000 to British zone ... Thus, the United States was complicit in legalizing the largest episode of ethnic cleansing that occurred in the twentieth century when 12,000,000 to 16,000,000 Germans came to be expelled from their historic homelands from east-central Europe from the spring of 1945 to the end of 1947.

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