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Friday, May 16, 2014

Alan Keyes Warns Gay Marriage Leads To A 'Totalitarian' Nazi-Like Government

Alan Keyes Warns Gay Marriage Leads To A 'Totalitarian' Nazi-Like Government

Submitted by Brian Tashman on Thursday, 5/15/2014 4:05 pm

This week, anti-choice activist Randall Terry has been posting on his Vimeo account excerpts of a recent speech by Alan Keyes, in which Keyes warns that marriage equality will create a totalitarian government. Keyes, who once called marriage equality a “communist” plot “to destroy the family” and “murder the masses,” says in the speech that the U.S. is on the road to Nazism due to its policies on abortion rights and marriage.

“How dare we say that the Nazis deserved punishment for their crime but think that our nation shall escape punishment?” he asks.

Same-sex marriage is “threatening to directly assault the fabric of our civilization,” Keyes adds. “Government becomes the total, totalitarian rule of family life.”

“You think that homosexual marriage is about homosexuality, ethics and behavior; I tell you homosexual marriage is about the very founding principle of our free way of life and it ends up making government the all-powerful, totalitarian ruler of every human being from the cradle to the grave,” he says.

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