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Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Mr.Trump's Reactions To The Events In Brussels

Donald Trump.
Is there a new FCC regulation mandating that every morning program has to give Donald Trump a slot to weigh in on international tragedies? This morning, seemingly all of America’s talk shows allowed Donald Trump to speak ad nauseam about his thoughts on the Brussels attacks. If the media is still confused about the role the media played in Donald Trump’s ascension to the top of the Republican heap, the media should really review the tapes of Donald Trump’s triumphant media tour this morning. They were pretty much in keeping with everything else he has said at this point about closing borders, keeping Muslims out, and seeing ISIL under your bed, with an extra dose of “I told you so” and “things can only get worse from here” added for good measure.
Trump on Mornings with Maria on Fox Business Network: “Frankly, look, we’re having problems with the Muslims. And we’re having problems with Muslims coming into the country...These attacks are not done by Swedish people, that I can tell you. Look, we have to be smart. We have to be vigilant. We haveto  watch very closely what’s going on. We have to look at the mosques, we have to study what’s going on.”
Trump on Fox & Friends: “I’ve been talking about this for a long time. Look at Brussels: Brussels was a beautiful city, a beautiful place with zero crime, and now it’s a disaster city. It’s a total disaster. And we have to be very careful in the United States, we have to be very, very vigilant as to who we allow into this country.”
“I would close up our borders to people until we figure out what is going on. Look at Brussels, look at Paris, look at so many cities that were great cities.”
“We’re taking in people without real documentation. We don’t know where they’re coming from. We don’t know where they’re from. Who they are. You look at it from any standpoint: they could be ISIS, they could be ISIS-related. We just don’t learn.”
Trump on CBS News: “I would be extremely careful about people from the Middle East coming into our country. I would be extremely careful as to what’s going on. You have an ISIS problem that’s a massive problem. They want to come in, they want to do big damage. And I would be extremely careful about that.”
Trump on the Today Show: "If they could expand the laws, I would do a lot more than waterboarding. You have to get the information from these people."
Mister Trump, in all his wisdom of being a un-informed on and about facts, misses all point here!
He states that the attacks in Brussels were ot committed by Swedish people, in that he is right!
The attacks he is referring to, the attacks on the Brussel international Airport Zaventem and the metro (aka subway) were committed by Belgian people, individuals with a Belgian passport, NOT individuals with a Muslims passport, or a Christian passport, nor individuals with a Syrian passport, or a Russian passport, no, these individuals were and are Belgian citizens!
These individuals mister Trump in all his stupidity and complete ignorance of truth and facts refers to were not coming from a Middle Eastern country, not as refugees, not as secretly entering the country of Belgium, no, they were BORN in Belgium!
They were not refugees, they were not brought in by anyone who planned terrorist attacks on Belgian soil, they were natural born citizens of Belgium!
Mister Trump says that Brussels was a beautiful city, like Madrid, Paris and all other cities were terrorist attacks have taken place.
Mister Trump is forgetting that the cities are still, and always will be, beautiful cities!
Yes, there have been terrorist attacks in these cities, sadly enough yes, and there have been victims, innocent victims of these terrorist attacks, BUT because there have been terrorist attacks in beautiful cities these cities do not turn suddenly into ugly once beautiful cities mister Trump!
The fact that you mister trump fail to understand that the citizens of these cities have the ability to look at what has happened, and then turn to their normal businesses, without considering their city having become an ugly city suddenly, due to those terrorist attacks, that mister Trump is your limited ability to think as a normal person, as a person that understands the mental and social ability of People!
Your complete lack of understanding people is resulting in a total ignoring of facts, truth and reality, and if only for that reason, you do not belong in any race for any public function what so ever, let alone running for the Presidency of the United States of America!
The fact that you lack the facts and tell a lot of mumbojumbo to the people who love listening to you, for whatever reason, and the fact that you have no knowledge about hat you are talking about, that you lack background info, that you lack facts, that you have no knowledge of what has happened but speak nonsense and even lies, makes you unfit for becoming possibly the President of the United States of America!
My opinion!

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