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Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Chris Brown Charged with Hit-and-Run, Could Get Four Years in Prison

Chris Brown Charged with Hit-and-Run, Could Get Four Years in Prison
dsdidsioidsChris Brown has had nine lives after going on probation for beating his girlfriend Rihanna back in 2009. But his luck may be running out.
Brown has been charged with a serious hit-and-run by the LAPD due to a minor accident that occurred last month. Brown allegedly rear-ended a Mercedes Benz and left the scene shortly thereafter. Even worse, he allegedly refused to give his license over to the other driver and then gave false insurance information.
Brown is facing at least two charges in connection with the incident. The first is related to the hit-and-run itself, leaving the scene without exchanging proper information. The second relates to driving without a valid license. You expect that a man with millions of dollars on the line would have someone make sure that his insurance and license are valid, or even get him a driver. But it seems that Chris enjoys making very bad decisions.
Each of the crimes for which Brown is charged face a possible penalty of six months in jail.
But that’s not the worst part for Brown. The authorities are very strict about probation, and nearly any violation of the law can invoke a suspended sentence and get you sent to prison. The incident is now being referred to the LA Count Prosecutor’s Office, and for his role in all of this, Brown may be sent to prison for as long as four years.

1 comment:

  1. If there are 3 charges, and 3 separate convictions, the feds can invoke the rule of a 3-time conviction....and put him a way for life........ would there be any loss I wonder.....

    I mean, someone who flees the crime-scene, and deliberately provides false info, while being on probation....... one starts to ask how often he sits on the toilet (literally), and empties his skull............ (if you get my drift... were are this guys' brains? In the sewer?)
