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Saturday, June 22, 2013

State Witness in Bar Noar Gay Murders Identified

State Witness in Bar Noar Gay Murders Identified
Posted: 21 Jun 2013 10:00 PM PDT
zohar Khankisheyev
Zohar Khankisheyev, state witness in the Bar Noar gay massacre
UPDATE: The Bar Noar case continues to spew evil and violence in its wake–four years after the tragic events occurred.  The accused shooter is Hagai Felician.  The alleged rape victim who was assaulted by Shaul Ganon is his brother, Binyamin (Benny) Felician, who was 15 year old at the time.  The Felicians have a third brother, Yaakov.  Despite the fact that he wasn’t involved in the Bar Noar case, he’s figured out a way to mire himself in it as well.
A female lawyer met with him several times attempting to join the legal defense team for his brothers.  During one of those meetings, the lawyer claims he raped her (Hebrew).  The police are investigating and Yaakov Felician’s name is under gag.  I don’t believe that rapists (even alleged ones) should be protected by gag orders.
*  *
A key figure in the Bar Noar gay murders was an individual who provided the killer, Hagai Felician, with a detailed plan of the youth center and mapped his entrance and exit.  This person himself is gay and had frequented the facility and so knew its layout.  Over the years since the murders, this individual became alarmed at how the conspirators were treating him.  He went to the police and agreed to turn State’s witness in return for leniency.  The police were holding him under protective custody in a safe house to protect him until the trial.
For some reason, he decided to abandon his safe house and agreed to an interview with an Israeli TV news show (video above).  As a result (and though the news show did not reveal his name) I no longer feel any compunction in revealing his identity.  He is Zohar Khankisheyev, age 25, and the brother of another conspirator, Tarlen Khankisheyev (Tarlen likely was involved in covering up the crime after the fact).  Until now, though I consider him a key participant in the crime and guilty of enabling the savagery that occurred, I refused to unmask him because I believed doing so might put him in some degree of danger from the others who might wish to harm him.  But not that Zohar has gone well over half way to identifying himself, I’m going to go the remainder of the way.
Can you imagine that Khankisheyev’s being held in a safe house under the supervision of a number of police officers.  Somehow, he escapes, giving them the slip and does an interview with an Israeli TV station.  Does this instill confidence in you at the competence of the Israeli police?  They have a star witness in one of the most lethal massacres in Israeli history and they can’t even ensure he’s protected properly.
Shaul Ganon, the former director of the Bar Noar, who indirectly originated the conspiracy by allegedly having sex with Hagai Felician’s then 15-year-old brother, Binyamin, recently agreed to a plea bargain with the prosecutor.  In return for admitting he had sex with the boy (while claiming he did not know he was a minor), he will testify against the others.  As an Israeli gay friend reminded me, this does not mean he raped the boy or even that he had sex with him.  It means he was seeking to avoid the police charging him with rape, a far more serious crime.  Here is a Hebrew report from a gay publication about Ganon’s perspective on the incident.
There is a tendency, due to the unsavory character of the conspirators, who were mobbed up, to treat this crime as the product of a person vendetta.  As a tragedy having little or nothing to do with the average Israeli.  But this is a fallacious assumption.  These men killed innocent civilians who were gay and had done nothing to deserve their sentence of death or lifetime paralysis.  The least Israel should do for these victims is prosecute the massacre as a hate crime.  The perpetrators are violent homophobes who killed for the pleasure of eliminating gay people.
The Israeli police and prosecutor deliberately downplaying the severity of this crime in order to allow Israel to continue to boast of its good treatment of gay people (i.e. pinkwashing).  A gay hate crime would tarnish this reputation right-quick and cause the cancellation of all those international gay tours to Tel Aviv, the supposed mecca of the free gay lifestyle.
If Israel warranted such a reputation I would have no problem with such boasts.  But sweeping the Bar Noar murders under the rug is yet another part of the pinkwashing conspiracy.

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