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Saturday, June 22, 2013

Conservatives Vow To Defy Supreme Court If It Rules For Marriage Equality

Preemptive Strike: Conservatives Vow To Defy Supreme Court If It Rules For Marriage Equality

George Wallace defied a federal court order to integrate the University of Alabama in 1963
George Wallace defied a federal court order to integrate the University of Alabama in 1963
Drawing what they called a line “we cannot and will not cross,” more than 200 conservative activists released a letter Thursday vowing to ignore any U.S. Supreme Court ruling in favor of marriage equality for same-sex couples. The signers include prominent anti-LGBT activists and major figures from the national conservative movement. Circulated by Liberty Counsel Action chairman Mat Staver and Common Good Alliance chairman Deacon Keith Fournier, under the banner of the equally ironically named Freedom Federation, the statement bore the title, “We Stand in Solidarity to Defend Marriage and the Family and Society Founded Upon Them.” After arguing that same-sex marriage goes against “natural moral law,” the signers claim that the Supreme Court has “no authority to redefine marriage,” writing:
As the Supreme Court acknowledged in the 1992 decision of Planned Parenthood v. Casey, its power rests solely upon the legitimacy of its decisions in the eyes of the people. If the Supreme Court were to issue a decision that redefined marriage or provided a precedent on which to build an argument to redefine marriage, the Supreme Court will thereby undermine its legitimacy. The Court will significantly decrease its credibility and impair the role it has assumed for itself as a moral authority. It will be acting beyond its proper constitutional role and contrary to the Natural Moral Law which transcends religions, culture, and time.
Despite these claims, the provisions of the U.S. Constitution grant the high court judicial power in “all cases, in law and equity, arising under this Constitution,” and the 14th Amendment guarantees “equal protection of the laws” for all persons.
Worse, the letter ends with a clear threat that conservatives will refuse to comply with any court ruling in support of marriage equality: “[M]ake no mistake about our resolve. While there are many things we can endure, redefining marriage is so fundamental to the natural order and the true common good that this is the line we must draw and one we cannot and will not cross.”
In addition to designated hate group leaders like Family Research Council president Tony Perkins and Traditional Values Coalition chairman Rev. Louis Sheldon, the list included Tea Party activist Ben Carson, Oklahoma State Rep. Sally Kern (R), former Ohio Secretary of State Ken Blackwell (R), former Republican presidential candidate Gary Bauer, conservative movement legend Richard Viguerie, Focus on the Family founder Rev. James Dobson, birther Joseph Farah, and disgraced Abramoff scandal figure Ralph Reed.

1 comment:

  1. Ah!

    And what will these conservatives do when the Supreme Court will decide AGAINST Equal Marriage (aka SameSexossibility) and the people pro-equality will ignore the ruling by the Supreme Court?

    In other words, what will happen when pro-GayEqulity will go on marrying, and ignoring of and by the highest court of the land?

    I bet they will demand sending in the military in the end to stop the SameSexmarriages!

    What will happen when the military will be sent in to enforce the ruling of the Supreme Court... if that decision is positive for samesex marriages and the "conservatives" ignore and refuse to abide the ruling?

    Then they will no doubt say that we will be living in a police state......... right?

    And in the other option they will claim that the law and the rulings of the court must be upheld!

    Bunch of anti-American hypocritical racists... that's what these so-called conservatives are... religious terrorists and white supremacists!
