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Sunday, October 20, 2013

NOM’s Brian Brown and “Crimes Against Humanity” Scott Lively Take A Roadtrip To Russia

NOM’s Brian Brown and “Crimes Against Humanity” Scott Lively Take A Roadtrip To Russia

by Will Kohler
Scott Lively in Uganda
Even though Scott Lively is currently being sued for "crimes against humanity" for his actions in helping spread anti-gay propaganda in Uganda and  NOM's President Brian Brown's is facing the threat of felony litigation for violation of the Logan Act, both "men" are on their way to to Moscow to attend the planning meeting of the anti-gay World Congress of Families.
The World Congress of Families, an organization that is so far right and so anti-gay that it’s virtually fascist is a strong supporter of Russia's anti-gay laws and contains the usual list of right-wing loony bigots among their sponsors, including Bryan Fischer's American Family Association, Peter LaBarbera's Americans for Truth About Homosexuality, Concerned Women of America, and Tony Perkins' Family Research Council.
In a recent email, Brown praised the World Congress of Families and suggested that people send them donations.
The World Congress of Families is THE group standing up for the family around the world. They have done amazing work in uniting all of those who stand for the truth about marriage and family. It has been an honor to partner with WCF and to be a part of their most recent Congress in Australia and regional conference in Trinidad and Tobago. I wholeheartedly endorse their work and urge you to financially support their efforts.” ~ Brian Brown, president, National Organization for Marriage"
It was the World Congress of Families who arranged for t Brian Brown to testify before a committee of Russia’s parliament in support of a law banning gay couples and single people in countries that allow marriage equality to adopt Russian orphans. Also in a press release, World Congress managing director Larry Jacobs boasted of his group’s “support” for Russia’s “child protection law” (the “propaganda” ban) and adds that he’ll soon be taking his advocacy to Ukraine:
"Prior to the Moscow meeting, Komov and WCF Communications Director Don Feder, along with Srdjan Nogo of the Serbian group Dveri (WCF’s newest Partner) and French pro-marriage activist Fabrice Sorlin, will be in Kiev for meetings with key Ukrainian leaders, including members of parliament."
Comrade Brown and Comrade Lively losing the war in America are branching out to a softer target which is exactly the reason we should keep the pressure on Russia and keep exposing these evil bastards.
What amazes me is that both, especially Lively is allowed to travel to Russia while being involved in a lawsuit for crimes against humanity in Uganda.  That the State Department doesn't revoke his VISA or he is put on a terrorist watch list is mind boggling.
Will Kohler

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