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Saturday, October 26, 2013

Pat Robertson Blames Mother For Her Son Being Deaf, Says She Did Something Wrong During Prayer

Pat Robertson Blames Mother For Her Son Being Deaf, Says She Did Something Wrong During Prayer (VIDEO)

Author: October 25, 2013 3:23 am
Pat Robertson Blames Mother For Failing To Heal Deaf Son With Prayer
During his 700 Club show, Robertson took a question from a woman who has a deaf son. She told Robertson that despite her prayers, God hasn’t restored her child’s hearing. Instead of comforting the woman, the conservative charlatan shamed her for not being able to heal her son with prayer. Image: CKM Addicting Info
Pat Robertson claims prayer is the best medicine for just about anything. But what does he say when prayer fails? Well, like any other fraudulent huckster, he blames the person who prayed instead of the deity who is supposed to answer them. Such was the case on Wednesday, when Robertson told a mother that it’s her fault her prayers haven’t healed her deaf child.

Pat Robertson blamed a mother for not being able to heal her child with prayer.

During his 700 Club show, Robertson took a question from a woman who has a deaf son. She told Robertson that despite her prayers, God hasn’t restored her child’s hearing. Instead of comforting the woman, the conservative charlatan shamed her for not being able to heal her son with prayer. Robertson told her that she must have done something wrong that caused God to reject her pleas. Robertson also claimed that he has successfully healed deafness himself.
“I have dealt with people who are deaf and you rebuke the spirit of deafness and they get healed,” Robertson claimed. “I don’t know what you’re doing wrong. Why don’t you try that and if it doesn’t work, try something else.”Here’s the video via Right Wing Watch.

Pat Robertson wrongfully blamed a mother for having a deaf child.

Robertson wrongfully blamed a parent for having a child with special needs. Unfortunately, this is something that happens all the time in this country. Whether it is blindness, deafness, autism, or any other disability, people place blame upon the parents instead of understanding that no one is at fault. It doesn’t matter how perfectly healthy expecting parents are or how great the pregnancy went, a child can still be born with a defect. Blaming parents for something they have absolutely zero control over is despicable.

Robertson has no compassion for people in need.

This isn’t the first time Robertson has blamed people for something outside of their control. Last March, Robertson blamed tornado victims for the disaster that struck their community. He said they should have prayed away the tornadoes.
Robertson has also shown that he has no compassion for people who are struggling. Two years ago, the televangelist told a women with children that she should keep giving money to the church even though she was barely scraping by.
Pat Robertson has no compassion for people. Instead of telling this poor mother that it’s her fault her son is still deaf, he could have simply told her to accept her child the way he is. But he didn’t. Robertson can’t accept that prayer isn’t the bulletproof solution he thinks it is, so he blamed the mother for its failure. But what else would we expect from a con artist who has shamelessly used religion to get rich.

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