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Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Declassified: Golda Meir on Kennedy’s Assassination

Declassified: Golda Meir on Kennedy’s Assassination
What hast thou done? the voice of thy brother's blood crieth unto meGenesis 4:10

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A few days before the 50th commemoration of President Kennedy's assassination, the Israel State Archives published several documents related to the event by Minister of Foreign Affairs Meir and President Shazar.
Hebrew speakers would classify Meir's heavy and clumsy words as chilling. Their declassification came at an odd timing. Most State documents remain classified for 30 years. The current version of the Archives Law* allows sensitive documents to remain classified for up to 70 years (more than Israel's existence). Why would the draft of a telegram and a few informal words on the issue be treated as highly sensitive and left hidden for half a century?
Lee Harvey Oswald being shot by Jack Ruby
Lee Harvey Oswald being shot by Jack Ruby
LIFE The Day Kennedy Died: Fifty Years Later
Lesser Mystery
President Shazar provided the lesser mystery. His condolences telegram appeared within a bunch of documents belonging to the Foreign Affairs Ministry. The document is a draft in Hebrew.
Probably he sent it to the ministry for it to translate and deliver it, this is supported by the sheet of paper that belongs to a generic Ministry of Foreign Affairs telegram papers. It reached the minister's desk and remained with the other documents by Golda Meir released now. There is no other reason for it having been highly classified.
It reads "Shocked with pain from the heavy strike that hit the USA and the entire humanity, I express in my name and the name of my people our deep sharing the mourning of the family, the American nation, and peace's friends. Yours, Zalman Shazar, President of Israel."
President Shazar Telegram
President Zalman Shazar Telegram
Hebrew Draft
"Shocked with pain from the heavy strike that hit the USA and the entire humanity, I express in my name and the name of my people our deep sharing in the mourning of the family, the American nation, and peace's friends."
Killing Kennedy: The End of Camelot
Both leaders participated in the funeral. Back in Israel, Golda Meir said words that remained secret until today.
Golda's Dark Corners
Golda Meir
Golda Meir
The original Iron Lady, the woman who got the title years before Margaret Thatcher, and who was described by Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion "the best man in the government."
The documents released relate to the government meeting that took place right after the assassination, on November 24, 1963. Golda didn't participate since she was in New York. The meeting dealt mainly with the assassination. Prime Minister Eshkol condemned it in harsh words. When Golda returned, she updated the government on the issue and the papers were added to that meeting transcriptions. Following are a few insightful quotes:
"There are in this issue dark corners that probably would never be elucidated," fifty years later, this is still true.
"Before the assassination, Kennedy had many critiques who felt that he was afar from the people. After he was assassinated, the ambience changed. There was a feeling that it turned the Americans' world upside-down. There was a feeling of personal loss to every American. They said that there were two million people on Washington's streets. I had never seen something similar," she said before praising Jacqueline Kennedy.
Afterwards, she commented on his relations with Israel and the Jews. The following paragraph is shown in the small image below; I kept her awkward phrasing but in the translation fixed a few of her Hebrew errors to make the text clearer.
"When I returned one year ago after a conversation with Kennedy, it was almost one year ago, I said that indeed I trusted him, and I am not yet ready to change my position. Also if the great calamity didn't take place, I would have said the same thing, that I trust that he was a friend. It doesn't matter that people say that he needed the Jewish votes, I didn't question his friendship and I do not do that now. Of course, there would be arguments, there would be misunderstandings, we won't get all that we want, I had no doubt on these. However, the most important thing is that I did not give up, he is an address [i.e. he listens to us], a serious address and a very important one." Clumsy and heavy, but overall a positive text. Then she uttered the words that probably led to the classification of an otherwise non-sensitive report.
President Kennedy
President Kennedy minutes before his assassination

"American Jews breathed in relief when it was found that the assassin was not a Jew. Why should one think that rather a Jew would kill Kennedy? I don't know...
"There are in this issue dark corners that probably would never be elucidated. Today there is already news that Oswald was insane, that he was not balanced, that he was crazy. The fact is that there is a little thing with the Dallas Police that is strange. A policeman entered the building to check that everything was in order. A guy [Oswald] passed him with a package and he asked him 'What's that?' The guy answered: a curtain. He didn't ask himself if the package really contains a curtain and what is he doing. When somebody told him 'he works with us,' he was pleased with the answer. What does it matter if he worked for them or not? He has a package, check out what is in the package. They didn't check the package.
"The Dallas Police behaved in a suspicious manner. Oswald was registered as a man of Castro, as a Communist... Very strange things, but the strangest issue is Jack Ruby [Oswald's assassin]. Since there is television, it was shown in the television, Oswald saw him a second before Ruby approached him, and he moved backwards. It is obvious that Oswald knew Ruby. How did Ruby enter there? How a stranger enters inside the police building? How does he park his car in a police parking place? A policeman said 'If I had seen him I would have thrown him away. We know him, he has a police record.' If the police knew him, how did he enter?
"A member of the Kennedy Administration hinted me that he is not sure that Oswald acted alone. Now, this investigation is not only about Kennedy's assassination, but about the identity of Ruby. What was the reason for assassinating Oswald?
"An important member of the Kennedy Administration told me that the question whether Ruby worked alone or was a messenger attempting to silence Oswald is the difference between peace and war.
"If he was a messenger of Castro, if there is a Castro underground that can kill the President and it is organized at such level that they can kill the killer 'oy vaaboy'+ that within it is a Jew [Ruby was a Jew]. They see harshly the killing of Oswald. Maybe I should say no less harshly than Kennedy's assassination. If this is part of a plan, if there is an underground, and not only that I am not a detective I don't like detective books, but I ask myself, I think, that Ruby is the messenger of someone. Of a political underground or of the Dallas Police."
"Can they investigate?"
At this moment, she was interrupted by Minister of Justice David Yosef, "Did that happen within a building?" "Inside the building," Golda answered, "in the corridor where journalists and television crews enter. They checked everybody. A door was opened and Oswald entered, handcuffed and held by two policemen. In the crowd there was a man with a gun, that approached Oswald and shoot. There is a picture when Ruby is firing and next to him there is a standing policeman watching. It was fantastic."
She ended the report with another sentence that turned out to be the sad truth "They have decided to turn the world upside-down and investigate the issue to the end. Can they investigate? I don't know."
Hebrew is rich in subtexts and inversions. For example, in English, Job 2:9 reads "Then said his wife unto him, Dost thou still retain thine integrity? curse God, and die." This text is unthinkable in Hebrew due to its blasphemy. The Hebrew original reads "bless God and die." The hint of the inversion is in the logical fallacy achieved. Not writing the vowels, Hebrew speakers and readers must analyze the meaning and complete it; subtexts are an integral part of a message. People are expected to analyze and understand.
What Golda clearly said to her Hebrew speaking audience was "Ruby is alive, Oy vaaboy if we get caught!"

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