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Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Archbishop Must Apologize Immediately for Embracing 'Ex-Gay' Lies, Says TWO

Truth Wins Out Denounces Former Archbishop of Canterbury For Defending 'Ex-Gay' Therapy

Archbishop Must Apologize Immediately for Embracing 'Ex-Gay' Lies, Says TWO

Burlington, Vt. -- Truth Wins Out denounced Lord Carey, former Archbishop of Canterbury, today for signing a letter in support of Lesley Pilkington, a British "Christian" psychotherapist suspended for professional malpractice after she was caught offering ex-gay therapy to an undercover journalist.

The British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy unanimously ruled last May that Pilkington acted recklessly, disrespectfully, dogmatically and unprofessionally. The BACP suspended her accreditation and threatened to revoke it entirely if she failed to complete "extensive training and professional development." Yesterday, Lord Carey and several other clerics issued a letter to the BACP defending Pilkington, saying that ex-gay therapy "does not produce harm."

"Lord Carey's defense of so-called 'ex-gay therapy' is simply appalling," said Wayne Besen, Executive Director of Truth Wins Out. "The 'pray away the gay' lie has been denounced by every major organization of medical and mental health professionals, including the Royal College of Psychiatrists, because the truth is that it doesn't work and actually harms people. If Carey would like to meet survivors who were gravely harmed by 'ex-gay' therapy we would be more than happy to arrange such a meeting."

"Whether Lord Carey's embrace of discredited ex-gay propaganda was intentional or simply ignorant, we are astonished by the lack of respect it shows to LGBT Anglicans," added John Becker, TWO's Director of Communications & Development. "The former archbishop should apologize immediately and recant his dangerous words before they cause any more LGBT people to hate or hurt themselves."

The letter alleges that reparative therapy "does not produce harm despite the Royal College of Psychiatrists and others maintaining the contrary" and that "people who seek, freely, to resolve unwanted same-sex attractions hold the moral right to receive professional assistance."

"This attempt to claim the moral high ground is utterly absurd," said Becker. "None of these clerics have a shred of medical or psychiatric training, and the idea that they're even remotely qualified to overrule scientific consensus is ridiculous on its face. Lies told in the name of God are still lies."

"Far from being mainstream, Lord Carey's views are extreme," added Besen. "Instead of parroting discredited ex-gay talking points, the former archbishop should bring his outmoded beliefs into the 21st century and recognize that LGBT people are fine just the way they are."

Truth Wins Out (TWO) is a nonprofit that fights anti-LGBT religious extremism. TWO specializes in turning information into action by organizing, advocating and fighting for LGBT equality.

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