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Sunday, January 31, 2016

Does Saudi Arabia Dislike the United States?

Saudi Arabia has banned "lewd" words on its license plates, including, for
unexplained reasons, the letters "USA."

The way a country's citizens feel about another country may or may not
reflect the official views of its government. So, what about Saudi Arabia?
Does Saudi Arabia dislike the United States? The governments have had a
back-and-forth relationship over the years, but the Saudi government
generally ends up saying the alliance is strong. However, in 2009, the
Saudi government complicated matters by including the letters "USA" on a
list of "lewd" letter combinations that wouldl be banned from license
plates. Saudi Arabia has never explained why the letters "USA" were deemed
to be inappropriate. According to the Saudi newspaper Al Watan, over 90,000
personalized license plates with banned letter combinations would need to
be replaced.
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