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Saturday, June 8, 2013

Anti-Gay “Christian” Megadeath Frontman Dave Mustaine Calls Fan “Faggot” At UK Show {who's the faggot here?]

Anti-Gay “Christian” Megadeath Frontman Dave Mustaine Calls Fan “Faggot” At UK Show – Video

by Will Kohler

Dave Mustaine
Megadeth front man Dave Mustaine showed some "Christian love" to a fan at their show in Manchester, England last night, calling him a "blonde bitch" and a "little faggot" (amongst other things) for complaining about technical problems during their  show, held at Manchester Academy.
Following their sixth song of the set, Mustaine and the band left the stage after some technical problems and returned after 10 minutes, to boos and a middle finger from one particularly upset fan.
Mustaine who claims to be a Christian let loose in a homophobic outburst on the fan
Get the fuck out of here! Get this guy out of here! You blonde bitch. C’mon up here. I’ve got a big cock for your face. [Making kissing sounds.] Here it comes…Stick that finger right up your ass, you little faggot.
Mustaine a well-known born-again Christian hypocrite and homophobe is quoted saying in a 2004 saying: "I am Christian but I still like blowjobs and I still say 'fuck!',  endorsed Rick Santorum in the 2012 Presidential primary and said of Margret Thatcher government's anti-gay stance , "More power to them. It says in the Bible that men should not lay with men."
Will Kohler

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