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Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Blog is Now Censored by Google – Content Control to Mute News from Occupied Palestine

This Blog is Now Censored by Google – Content Control to Mute News from Occupied Palestine

June 12, 2013 | by occpal

A message from occpal to all our 27.583 followers (for new ones won’t find us through google anymore)
We almost missed out on the short message between all subscription notifications, there is a ‘quality issue’ with this blog using alleged ‘forbidden techniques’ which over the last years – with many work and countless hours – has been build into a news archive with the sole purpose to disseminate the news as widely as possible to create awareness for the Palestinian plight and the suffering of Palestinians inside occupied Palestine and all those in exile.
google webmaster tools
Google decided that this no longer qualifies to be listed in the searches, hence, they even banned all content so it’s not possible to find a single link to this weblog.
As Israel slowly takes over the whole of Palestine, it also controls MSM, manipulates internet content and even pays people up to 92$ an hour to report content or sites, every button is being pushed to silence those who speak up for the Palestinian plight.
Now we have seen similar censorship and muting of free speech for tens of times in the light of the zionist war on truth. And tens of times we started from scratch all over. As we will do now. We will not be silenced.

A simple message to those who try to ban truth:

You can steal the milk but not the udders.

Our gratitude to all contributors to this blog. The activists who risked their lives to provide us from live updates for live blogs, a salute to the photographers who are deliberately targeted with violence in effort to give you a real time insight of the truth and are your eye into the ugly occupation, and last but not least all the friends and followers, fellow activists and supporters who helped this blog to become what it is today.
We condemn the censorship especially for the voices we want to continue; of those who lost their lives in the genocide. We salute the Shuhada of Palestine and took – and still take – the pledge to keep voicing their sacrifice,  as well as the suffering of the loved ones that were left behind.
Blocking listings of news by a search engine anno 2013 is like buying a book with pages torn out. And we will not remain silent to fill up the gaps in the censored manipulated main stream media by all means possible to inform people of information they are looking for.
Of course sharing of this post over your networks will be appreciated as it will not reach no person anymore through the google malfunctioning engine of partial information.

Free Palestine!

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