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Sunday, June 9, 2013

College Preacher Spews Anti-Gay Hate. Why These Two Students Had To Respond

College Preacher Spews Anti-Gay Hate. Why These Two Students Had To Respond.

By David Badash on June 8, 2013
Post image for Watch: College Preacher Spews Anti-Gay Hate. Why These Two Students Had To Respond.
This week a woman who travels the U.S. And Europe preaching anti-gay hate was spewing filth on the grounds of California Polytechnic State University in San Luis Obispo. Two college friends — both male — felt they had to respond.
“So there was this crazy preacher lady yelling in the [University Union] for 3 hours today, talking about how we’re all damned to hell and how we’re sinners but she’s a saint because she’s spreading the word of God (you know, the usual),” the person who filmed the video below writes on YouTube. “She was just beginning a rant on traditional marriage and why gay people are evil when this happened. Highlight of my week.”
“This” was Cal Poly Tech students Kyle Murray and Anthony Lopez running up the steps, embracing, and kissing.
Mashable tracked the previously unknown students down and talked with them:
“I was out there and I was watching and it really aggravated me. And I was thinking, ‘What can I do?’ People were yelling back and trying to reason with her, which didn’t work because there was no logic behind what she was saying,” Murray said.
Then, serendipitously, one of his best friends walked by. Murray posed the question, and the rest is recorded on video.

“She was spreading so much hate. And we wanted to show her love, show her that we disagree, show her that we weren’t going to argue with her. We wanted to say, ‘There are gay people here, and we are not okay with what you’re saying.’”
You really have to watch it in HD and full screen to get the full effect:
The Huffington Post adds:
A student at the school pointed HuffPost to the Facebook page of Highways and Hedges Ministries, Inc., which is run by Angela Cummings, who explains there that she travels across the U.S. And Europe evangelizing.
Cummings identifies herself as the preacher in the video and acknowledged the kiss in a status update on Friday afternoon:
2 videos are up by Cal Poly students of “homo phobe” preacher. It has just a matter of time before that came out on video. It was in writing long time ago. The video still got me preaching “Jesus will set you free” before all that happened. Oh how the devil loves his slaves. Jesus set them free!!!!! … *Today is Israel gay pride. That saddens me. Sorry Jesus
That Facebook post has since disappeared.
Someone on Reddit posted this image, which appears to be a close up of the preacher and the man standing next to her:

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