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Sunday, June 9, 2013

Former C.I.A. Worker Says He Is Source of Leak on U.S. Surveillance

Former C.I.A. Worker Says He Is Source of Leak on U.S. Surveillance, British Site Reports
WASHINGTON — The British newspaper The Guardian on Sunday revealed the identity of the source of its information for a series of articles on surveillance programs by the National Security Agency.
In a posting on its Web site, the paper identified the source as Edward Snowden, 29, a former technical assistant for the Central Intelligence Agency who has worked at the N.S.A. as an employee of outside contractors.
The British newspaper said it was revealing Mr. Snowden’s identity at his request. It said he had decided from the moment he chose to disclose top-secret documents to the public, revealing the highly secretive data surveillance programs, that he would not remain anonymous.


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