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Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Golda Meir Was First Israeli Leader to Expel African-(American) Refugees

Golda Meir Was First Israeli Leader to Expel African-(American) Refugees
Posted: 10 Jun 2013 10:41 PM PDT
golda meir black israelites
1971 letter to Golda Meir applauding her expulsion of Black Israelites.
The current furor in Israel about the “epidemic” of African refugees “flooding” the country is unfortunately not new.  Nor is the plan by the Netanyahu government to throw them into concentration camps or expel them.  In 1969, Black Israelites began to arrive in Israel from the U.S.  They claimed to be Jewish, but Israel’s rabbinical establishment rejected their claims.  This meant they could not become citizens.
Finally, the Golda Meir government in 1971 began the process of expelling them.  Over the years hundreds have been.  Though there is now an uneasy truce, with 5,000 currently living in Israel.  So Bibi learned this trick of turning a cold shoulder to Black refugees from a beloved leader of Israel’s Labor Party.  So much for Labor’s liberal Zionism.
Thanks to David Sheen, one of Israel’s foremost activists on behalf of the African refugee community.  He’s dug up this racist letter written to Golda Meir, after she’d expelled some of them.  There are more examples here.
Though the circumstances then were different than now, when there are 60,000 African refugees in Israel, these sentiments Golda preserved, even at that early period, are reflected precisely in current racist Israeli attitudes.  MKs rabble-rouse, calling Africans a cancer among the Israeli nation.  Not far at all from this calling them a “5th column.”
The American Jew who wrote this letter to the Israeli prime minister was little better than the Likud when it came to issues like these that threatened Israeli Jewish hegemony.  In fact, the racism reflected in this letter would be little different in tone or substance than the views of Meir Kahane.
On a related note, I reported here that Bibi Netanyahu, as late as 1989, demanded the expulsion of Israeli Palestinians for many of the same reasons Golda’s American Jewish interlocutors saw Blacks as “polluting Israel” and “bad” for it.

1 comment:

  1. I think it is safe to conclude that Gold Meïr was applauded by a racist, one at least....... the writer of that note...

    On the other hand, the question arises... WHY did Gold Meïr expel Black (or to be politically correct, African-American) Israelis?

    Was it because she (and her government) regarded Black Jews as pollution to the Israeli cause?

    It can not have been that the country was becoming overcrowded,in that time that Gold Meïr was PM there was no overcrowding, and it was surely not because Black people were not regarded as being jewish.......

    Everyone who considered themselves being a jew was welcomed with open arms.........

    Strange isn't it?

    The Jewish state expelling jews, simply because they were black-skinned, and in 2013 the present PM does the same.... sounds a bit racist doesn't it?

    History repeats itself..... although one should learn from it... perhaps history has not teached the people of Israel a lesson at all......

    But then, come to think of it.... who in the world would have thought that in the state of Israel a nazi-party would be allowed, and even be allowed to take a seat in the Knesset (the parliament of the state of Israel)?

    And, in the future become a leading part of the Government of the state of Israel even!

    Certainly not the people who were kept in the death-camps of adolf hitler...... and most certainly not the people who stood naked in the gas-chambers, awaiting to hear the canisters fall on the floor, and then seeing all around them fall to the floor....... dead!
