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Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Ill. Bishop Paprocki Claims Devil Behind Marriage Equality Movement

Ill. Bishop Paprocki Claims Devil Behind Marriage Equality Movement

More about Bridgette P. LaVictoire
Posted by: Bridgette P. LaVictoire on June 10, 2013.Last revised on: June 11, 2013.
Those who oppose same-sex marriage quite often resort to lies in order to scare people into falling behind their usually religiously fueled bigotry. It is not all that surprising, though, that they believe that they are not lying, and that the other side is lying even when they are presented with facts disproving them.  Showing off that the Catholic Church hasn’t really changed all that much with regards to lesbians and gays, Illinois Bishop Thomas Paprocki went on a schpiel saying that “the Father of Lies” is behind same-sex marriage.
Now, given that Satan hasn’t shown up to offer me a lot of things for my soul, I’m not sure that the Devil exists, but that’s besides the point. Why is it that men like Paprocki are so willing to demonize lesbians and gays without cause or reason? Admittedly, without the demonization, they don’t have much of an argument.
Seriously, without the attempts to attack and make monsters out of lesbians and gays, they have, what? Not much. In fact, well, the facts are on the side of the pro-equality groups. What the anti-equality groups have is a book that was written about two thousand years ago, has been rewritten, reinterpreted, altered, changed, and was the oral history of a group of desert nomads for quite some time.
However, I am behind Jeremy Hooper over at Good As You...I really would love to see Paprocki’s supporters try to summon Satan in order to hear his arguments on marriage equality. Heck, I’d settle for the demon Crowley, I’m sure he’d have an interesting perspective on this whole matter.

1 comment:

  1. Right, and can the mister Bishop tell me who or what is behind the huge abuse of little children by the priests of the Roman catholic Church?

    Jesus? The son of God?

    Or perhaps the Holy Spirit?

    Can someone the Vatican tell this bigot to hold his tongue, and to crawl back under the rock he crawled from under?

    Or at least tell this moron to lock himself up in the cellars of his palace, and throw away the key?
