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Thursday, June 13, 2013

Israeli scheme to expand 9 settlements in West Bank of Palestine

Israeli scheme to expand 9 settlements in West Bank of Palestine

“Settling” constitutes a warcime according to international law and ICC statute. Even under US’ own military legislations’
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[ Reported by the PIC 12/06/2013 - 09:18 PM ]

OCCUPIED JERUSALEM, (PIC)– Israeli government has approved a plan to expand 9 settlements in the West Bank, most notably Borjan west of Salfit northern West Bank.
The so-called Supreme Israeli Council for organization, the settlement subcommittee in Bethel City Administration, declared a new settlement project to build new settlement units in 9 West Bank settlements.
Khalil Tafakji, director of the maps section at the Orient House in occupied Jerusalem, said that this settlement project includes the establishment of 550 new housing units.
He also pointed to the presence of another Israeli scheme (No. 163/3) to expand Itamar settlement built on land of the Palestinian village of Awarta. The project includes changing agricultural land to residential land, he added.
He affirmed that this settlement project stretches along five square kilometers over Nablus and Jordan Valley land, where a number of outposts were already built.
According to the plan, Borjan illegal settlement will be expanded to five times its size, where it will include 550 new housing units in addition to playgrounds and commercial centers over 2572 dunums.
Al-Tufkaji pointed out that the Israeli authorities legalized the settlement in April 2012 as a prelude to implement this scheme, saying that the settlement includes currently 100 housing units that will be doubled within one year.

1 comment:

  1. With this approval by the Government of Israel the Government makes itself complicit to war-crimes!

    The fact that military of Israel commit war-crimes is one thing, it is a long-time known fact that soldiers collectively and individually commit war-crimes, and the responsible military authorities will be held accountable and responsible, and be brought to justice (regardless of the immunity given to them by the government of Israel), another thing it is when a democratically elected government openly and officially commits war-crimes!

    Creating, supporting, and maintaining settlements in occupied territories is a recognized and acknowledge war-crime!

    Allowing, actually and factually moving, and supporting the move of and by nationals to created settlements is a war-crime, also acknowledged and recognized as such!

    The fact that the government of Israel now openly, blatantly and publicly officially cooperates with the organizers of (existing) settlements in occupied territories makes the government of Israel a government committing war-crimes.

    It is unacceptable that the government of Israel is allowed to commit war-crimes, it is even more unacceptable that any democratic government in the world does accept the act that the government of Israel is committing war-crimes, under the pretext of securing the safety of the state of Israel!

    No war-crime may be committed to endorse and or enforce any illegal activity, not even and especially not when the endorsement and or enforcement means or brings forth increased suffering of and by people subject and victim of and to those war-crimes!

    The state of Israel is governed by a government of war-criminals, and all individual members of the government of Israel are war-criminals, and must be treated as such... arrested when outside the state of Israel, brought before a court, and prosecuted on the basis of the collectively committed war-crimes!
