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Sunday, June 9, 2013

Study Finds Restaurant Ice is Dirtier Than Toilet Water

Please excuse us as we go toss our iced coffee; a new investigation from The Daily Mail has found that ice from McDonald’s, Burger King, KFC, Starbucks, and more fast-food chains, tested in the U.K., was all more bacteria-ridden than toilet water.
The Mail reports that scientific tests found that all of the samples contained more bacteria than toilet water at the same place, but none of them presented an “immediate health danger.”
Study Finds Restaurant Ice is Dirtier Than Toilet Water

Samples from McDonald’s, KFC, and Nando’s were suspected to be dirtied by things like a dirty ice machine, while Burger King responded to its results by saying it was probably an employee who didn’t wash his or her hands.
Meanwhile, Starbucks reportedly had a “satisfactory” level of bacteria, scientists say, despite the amount being higher than bathroom water levels.
Of course, this isn’t the first time people have discovered the scary bacteria in ice; Grub Street has rounded up every instance of ice-bacteria research, enough to make you swear off iced drinks forever.

A Florida student found that the ice at fast food restaurants is actually dirtier than the toilet water at the same establishment.
The student, 12-year-old Jasmine Roberts, hypothesized that the ice at fast food joints was probably dirtier than the toilets.
So she went to five fast food restaurants and collected samples.
She ordered cups of ice and put them in sterile beakers. She also went into bathrooms, flushed the toilet once, and collected a sample.
The findings were pretty disturbing.
“I found that 70-percent of the time, the ice from the fast food restaurant’s contain more bacteria than the fast food restaurant’s toilet water,” Roberts told local station 10 News in Tampa.
How did that happen?
The reason that the bacteria was more prevalent in the ice could be that while toilets are cleaned regularly, ice machines are not. Roberts’ findings could give one pause before ordering a fizzy drink at a fast food chain.

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