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Saturday, June 8, 2013

US troops’ same-sex partners to receive benefits

US troops’ same-sex partners to receive benefits

Starting 1 September 2013, same-sex domestic partners of US troops will be eligible for some benefits
The American government has granted limited benefits to the same-sex partners of active troops.
The US military has made a groundbreaking move to offer some benefits to the partners of gay and lesbian troops.
The Army and National Guard posted online this week that same-sex domestic partners (SSDO) of serving troops will receive an ID card entitling them to a number of benefits.
This move comes after former Defense Secretary Leon Panetta announced in February his intentions to extend benefits to same-sex partners.
At the time, Panetta told CNN: ‘These benefits shall be extended to the same-sex domestic partners and, where applicable, children of same-sex domestic partners, once the service member and their same-sex domestic partner have signed a declaration attesting to the existence of their committed relationship.’
Couples must sign a ‘declaration of domestic partnership’ in order to receive their benefits that will include survivor, travel and transportation.
However, a statement from the Secretary of Defense clarifies: ‘Additional benefits, such as health care and housing allowances, are by statute currently only available to spouses and therefore cannot be made available to same-sex domestic partners of Service members under current law.’
The nation-wide Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) dictates that only marriages between men and women will be recognized. Despite the federal ban on gay marriage, twelve states have legalized same-sex marriage within their borders.

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