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Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Israeli occupation authority not executing court order to return land to Palestinian owners

Israeli occupation authority not executing court order to return land to Palestinian owners

“Settling” constitutes a warcime according to international law and ICC statute. Even under US’ own military legislations’
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[ PIC 11/06/2013 - 09:16 PM ]

AL-KHALIL, (PIC)– Land owners in Um Al-Arayes hamlet to the east of Yatta town in Al-Khalil said that the Israeli occupation authority (IOA) has not returned their land back as ordered by the higher court.
Mohammed Awad, the coordinator of the committee against settlement in Yatta, said that three owners of the 120 dunums of confiscated land asked on Tuesday for their land back.
He said that Jewish settlers seized the land by force 13 years ago and installed caravans and hothouses on it.
He recalled that the higher court a week ago ordered the return of 120 dunums out of the confiscated 288 dunums in addition to the payment of a 12,000 shekels fine.
One of the land owners, Ismail Awad, said, “We will continue to defend our land until we restore it in full”.
He called on the international and human rights organizations to stand by their side until they restore their land as ruled by the court.

1 comment:

  1. Am I missing something here, or was there a change in structure of the state of Israel?

    Has Israel turned into a state were solely the military rules, and were democratic institutions like courts do not decide anymore?

    It is strange, but with the government of Israel claiming to be the only democratic state in the Middle East, it seems that were democratic institutions include functional courts and authorities adhering to court rulings the state of Israel submits to the rule of big mouths, religious terrorists and war-criminals..........

    Were clearly the settlers are war-criminals, and the military of Israel supports the settlers and thus are part of the war-crimes committed by the settlers, it seems to me that were courts rule and authorities ignore the rulings by the courts, the government is also supporting the war-crimes.... making it very difficult to maintain the principle of being a democratic state.........
