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Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Patrick Leahy files gay couples amendment

Patrick Leahy files gay couples amendment

Patrick Leahy is pictured. | AP Photo
Seeking equal protection for the LGBT community is 'the right thing,' Leahy said. | AP Photo
By SEUNG MIN KIM | 6/11/13 7:03 PM EDT
Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy is trying again on immigration and gay rights.
The Vermont Democrat filed an amendment to the Gang of Eight immigration bill on Tuesday that would allow gay U.S. Citizens to petition their foreign spouses to become permanent residents. He had withdrawn the measure after an emotional debate during the committee markup, after several Democrats said they would vote against his amendment in order to preserve the overall bill.

Leahy: Time to take on gay immigrant issue

Republicans in the Gang of Eight had threatened to oppose the group’s bill if Democrats approved Leahy’s measure.
(PHOTOS: Pols who evolved on gay marriage)
“Seeking equal protection under our laws for the LGBT community is the right thing to do,” Leahy said in a statement Tuesday. “I withheld my anti-discrimination amendment during the Senate Judiciary Committee markup. As the entire Senate turns to debate the immigration bill, the fight for equality must go on.”
It is unclear whether Leahy’s proposal will get a vote. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) have yet to reach an agreement on amendments.
And the political dynamics for Leahy’s amendment are different on the floor. In the committee, the amendment would have required just a simple majority for it to pass. On the floor, it will almost certainly need 60 votes.
(PHOTOS: 25 gay-rights milestones)
The Supreme Court could also weigh in on the matter. Later this month, the court is expected to rule on the Defense of Marriage Act, and if that law is overturned, same-sex couples might be able to petition for green cards.

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